Building Blocks frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Frequently asked questions about projects funded by the Victorian Government through the Building Blocks program.

On this page

Program overview

What is Building Blocks?

Building Blocks is a planning and funding program run by the Victorian Government to help deliver the early childhood infrastructure Victoria needs over this decade.

Building Blocks simplifies and replaces previous grant schemes – the Children’s Facilities Capital Program and the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program.

Building Blocks grants help kindergartens create more places, improve the quality of the learning environment, increase inclusivity, and invest in technology.

Building Blocks funds planning and construction of new facilities, upgrades to buildings, playgrounds and equipment that make a big difference to how Victorian kindergartens meet the educational and social needs of all children.

What about the Children’s Facilities Capital Program (CFCP) grants and the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program (IKFP)?

Building Blocks replaces the Children’s Facilities Capital Program and the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program (IKFP), bringing together key features from each under one enhanced grants program.

Who runs the grant program?

Building Blocks is administered by the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA). The VSBA is a division of the Department of Education, established in 2016 to oversee the design and construction of new schools and early childhood centres, as well as the modernisation and upgrade of existing ones.

Successful grant applications are formally approved by the Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep.

How do I apply for a Building Blocks grant?

Application forms can be accessed online through SmartyGrants. Applicants must be registered to use the Smarty Grants application system. Registration is free.

For assistance with the online application system, please email the Smarty Grants Support Desk or call on 03 9320 6888 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. You can also consult the help guide.

The Department will not consider late applications.

When do applications for Building Blocks Capacity Building and Planning grants open and close?

Applications for the Building Blocks Capacity Building and Planning streams are open all year round. Please contact the Early Childhood Grants Team to organise access to an application form via SmartyGrants.

When do applications for Building Blocks Improvement & Inclusion grants open and close?

Please contact the Early Childhood Grants Team for advice on the opening and closing dates for these grants. Subscribe to our mailing list and we'll email you the latest updates about early childhood grants.

Who can I speak with before I apply?

Prospective applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposed projects with the Early Childhood Grants Team at or the Early Childhood Quality Participation and Access Manager in their area.

You can access a full list of contact details on the Department of Education regional office webpage.


What do we mean by Three and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten?

All applicants applying for a Building Blocks grant must provide, or intend to provide, a funded kindergarten program for three and four-year-old children.

Funded kindergarten programs must:

  • be planned and delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher (who is registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching)
  • align with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework
  • for four-year-old kindergarten programs, offer at least:
    • 15 hours per week for 40 weeks of the year, or
    • 600 hours per year.
  • for three-year-old kindergarten programs, provide, or intend to provide, up to 15 hours per week.

For more information on kindergarten funding, please consult the Kindergarten Funding Guide.

What are approved places, and how are they different to kindergarten places?

Approved places are the maximum number of children that a service can educate and care for at any one time.

Kindergarten places (and long day care places) refer to how you will use the approved places at your facility to deliver particular programs.

For existing services, approved places will be listed on the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority register and will be shown on your service approval certificate. For services operating under the Children’s Services Act 1996, this is referred to as ‘licenced capacity’ and is listed on a register available on the Department of Education website.

Previous guidelines and application forms for the CFCP grants used the term licensed capacity in reference to approved places.

Depending on how program delivery is structured for the service, kindergarten places could be higher than the approved places.

For example:

  • if two separate three or four-year-old kindergarten programs are scheduled for different times of the day or week then the number of three and four-year-old kindergarten places may be up to twice the number of approved places for the service
  • if all approved places at the facility will be used for long day care and an integrated kindergarten program will be offered for a portion of the long day care places, then the number of kindergarten places will be less than the approved places.

Building Blocks Capacity infrastructure applications must state the approved places proposed for the service, as well as the number of places that you propose to offer for three and four-year-old kindergarten and long day care.

Approved places are subject to provision of sufficient indoor and outdoor space, with a minimum of 3.25m2 of unencumbered indoor space and 7m2 of unencumbered outdoor space (open to the sky) required per child.

More information on what counts as ‘unencumbered’ space can be found on the Department of Education website.

The approved places will be confirmed at the completion of the infrastructure project as part of your registration as an approved service. Please contact the Department’s Quality Assessment and Regulation Division if you have specific questions about this process via or phone 1300 307 415

Keep in mind that a ratio of one educator to 11 children applies for children aged 36 months and above, in accordance with the Education and Care Services National Law (National Law).

What is a schematic design drawing?

A schematic design drawing is a sketch plan giving a general view of the proposed design. These drawings generally include a site plan and floor plans, and larger projects often involve the production of elevations, illustrative sketches and computer renderings.

Detailed drawings help to explain what you propose to do, demonstrate that your project is ready to commence, and support the number of places proposed in your application (for example, by showing the area in square meters for indoor learning areas and outdoor space to be created through the project).

Drawings submitted with your application should clearly show each component of the proposed works and match the scope of works described in your application.

Who is a licensed quantity surveyor?

Quantity surveyors are specialised building professionals that estimate and manage the cost of construction projects.

Infrastructure projects with a total project cost of $200,000 or more require a quantity surveyor report as a condition of funding. Having your costings prepared by a licensed quantity surveyor improves accuracy of these costs and helps to demonstrate that your project is ready to commence.

Infrastructure projects with a total project cost under $200,000 are required to submit a detailed authorised list of costings from two registered builders who are qualified to quote on the level of expenditure related to the project cost.

The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) maintains an online register of licensed quantity surveyors that you can use to help your search.

What do we mean by an experienced project manager?

We require you to appoint a project manager who has suitable experience in delivering similar types of projects for all funded infrastructure projects.

A project manager will develop project plans, monitor the project to ensure milestones are met, coordinate contractors and oversee budgets. This may be someone in your organisation or an industry professional.

Failure to follow these requirements regarding a project manager could ultimately result in the Department of Education recommending to the Minister to withdraw any funding commitment.

Why do I need a Soil Hygienist Report and/or an Asbestos Report?

For any project that disturbs the soil or involves works to a building where the fabric of the building will be disturbed, it is a requirement to obtain a soil hygienist and/or asbestos report prior to submitting a Building Blocks grant application. Applications for projects on Department land are not required to provide a soil report. The VSBA will complete this requirement following the submission of your application.

For further information about soil hygienist and/or asbestos report refer to the Assessment Fact Sheet for the relevant grant stream.


Can I apply if I am a private provider?

Yes, provided that you can demonstrate that you are a not-for-profit organisation. You can find information on not-for-profit status at the Australian Tax Office and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission websites.

Businesses and for-profit organisations cannot apply for any type of Building Blocks grant.

Can I apply this year if my project was unsuccessful in previous years?

Yes. Organisations that are still seeking support for projects that were unsuccessful in previous Building Blocks, CFCP and IKFP grant rounds are strongly encouraged to apply in the current round.

We strongly encourage organisations who are resubmitting projects to contact us for feedback on their previous application, and to carefully address the program requirements, eligibility and assessment criteria described in the relevant Building Blocks grants guidelines.

Can I apply if I have previously received a Building Blocks, CFCP or IKFP grant for the same facility?

Yes, if you can demonstrate that the scope of works for your proposed project differs from the scope of works for any previous grant.

Can I apply for more than one Building Blocks grant for my facility?

Yes. For instance, you could apply for a Capacity Building stream grant for your facility, as well as an Improvement stream grant, if they are for distinctly different projects. You cannot seek funding through the Improvement grant stream to ‘top-up’ funding for a Capacity Building grant project.

Can I apply for projects at more than one location?

Yes, you can apply for more than one project, but you must indicate the relative priority of each project in your applications. We will take this priority into account when considering the distribution of approved projects across applicants, local government areas and different regions of the state.

Can I apply for a Building Blocks Capacity Building grant as well as funding from another grant program?

Yes, your project can include funding from grant programs administered by organisations other than the VSBA. You must list these in your budget and advise whether the funding has been confirmed or what date it is expected to be confirmed.

Can I apply for funding from more than one program administered by the VSBA?

Yes, you can apply for funding through Building Blocks as well as other programs administered by the VSBA if there is no overlap in the scope of works proposed to be funded through each program. For example, if you propose to deliver a multi-purpose community facility on a school site and you submit a grant application through Building Blocks for the early learning component of that facility, then any funding requests through other programs administered by the VSBA cannot include funding for the early learning component.

Can I apply if my organisation is incorporated but isn’t registered for GST?

Yes. All incorporated not-for-profit organisations (including organisations that aren’t registered for GST) are able to apply for a grant under Building Blocks so long as their project meets the program requirements.

If your organisation is not registered for GST, you will need to include GST in your budget and cost estimates. Any grant payment you receive will not add or include an allowance for GST.

Different payment arrangements are required for organisations that are not registered for GST, and these will be discussed with successful applicants where required.

If your organisation already receives funding from the Department, it is likely to already comply with the Betrayal of Trust requirement, so you won’t need to do anything.

If you are unsure whether your non-government organisation meets the requirements, you can contact the VSBA Early Childhood Grants team.

If we advise that you need to provide evidence that your non-government organisation meets the requirements, you can provide an insurance certificate to meet the insurance requirement and the Department will be able to determine if your organisation is incorporated or not.

Can my organisation enter into an Auspice Arrangement?

Yes. Not-for-profit community organisations in the process of becoming incorporated, or those without capacity to manage the funding, may arrange for an eligible organisation to apply on their behalf. This is known as an ‘auspice’ arrangement.

The Department will directly fund the auspice organisation, and they must agree to take the full legal and financial responsibility for the project. If an auspice arrangement is proposed, written confirmation from the auspiceing party is required.

If you would like to negotiate an auspice arrangement, you are responsible for identifying an auspice organisation and working with them to prepare the application. The Department will not make auspiceing arrangements on your behalf. Auspice arrangements cannot be used by for-profit organisations to apply for any grant streams within Building Blocks.

You can find more information about auspiceing arrangements at Not-for-profit Law.

Can I apply if I have already entered into a building contract for the project?

No, funds are not available from Building Blocks for retrospective assistance.

To remain eligible for funding, applicants must not enter into a contract for any works proposed in their application before we inform you of the application outcome.

Can I apply if my organisation doesn’t currently offer a funded kindergarten program?

For the Planning and Capacity Building streams, if you meet eligibility requirements, you can apply on the basis that you will deliver a funded kindergarten program for at least 10 years once the project is complete.

For the Improvement and Inclusion streams, if you meet eligibility requirements, you can apply on the basis that you will deliver a funded kindergarten program for at least 4 years once the project is complete.

Can I apply if I own a building and want to start a funded kindergarten program?

Yes, if you meet eligibility requirements, you can apply for an Expansion grant on the basis that you will deliver a funded kindergarten program for at least 10 years once the project is complete.

Do I have to make a co-contribution to receive grant funding?

A co-contribution is not required for projects applying for:

  • grants under the Planning grants stream
  • grants under the Inclusion grants stream
  • Minor Improvement or IT grants from the Improvement grants stream
  • Modular kindergarten grants under the Capacity Building grants stream, for the standard scope (co-contributions are required for items outside of the standard scope, and where applicants opt to provide a co-contribution).

Applicants are expected to make co-contributions for projects applying for:

  • grants under the Capacity Building grants stream (excluding Modular grants)
  • Early Learning Facility Upgrade grants under the Improvement grants stream.

Can I receive a partial grant if there are more applications than funds available, or there aren’t enough funds to cover my entire request?

No, in order to support the financial viability of proposed projects, proposals will not be partially funded.

Can I receive more funding if the project cost or funding from other sources changes?

No, the Department does not hold additional funding to meet cost overruns for capital works projects. If for some reason the project runs over budget or funding contributions change, the grant recipient must meet the additional costs.

Modular builds

Do I need to contact the VSBA before I apply for a modular kindergarten?

Yes. Applicants seeking a modular kindergarten must contact the VSBA Early Childhood Grants team before applying. The team can help you work through site suitability, budget and delivery elements to ensure a modular kindergarten building is an appropriate option.

Do I need to provide a soil report if I am applying for a modular kindergarten?

Yes, if your proposed project is on non- Department of Education land. You will need to provide a soil report prepared by a licenced soil hygienist, including testing for contaminates (please read the EPA guidelines for further advice regarding what type of testing is required or contact the Early Childhood Grants Team). If your proposed project is on Department of Education land, the VSBA will procure a soil report on your behalf.

Where can modular kindergarten buildings be located?

Modular kindergarten buildings can be located on Department of Education-owned land or non-Department of Education land.

For more information about delivery options, average project costs, and other modular considerations, please refer to the Modular Kindergarten Program webpage.

Application writing tips

Do you have any tips for preparing the project budget?

The budget needs to include all financial contributions (including the grant you are requesting) and key expenditure items related to the project.

The total project expenditure must match the total project income, including the grant amount sought, your organisation’s contribution and any other contributions.

Be accurate in your costings – you cannot ask for additional funds later because the project was not accurately costed at the start.

Only include income or expenditure items relevant to the project. If the cost is not directly associated with your project, it should not be in the project budget.

Ensure that the grant amount requested, and financial contributions stated in your application match the supporting evidence provided.

Please ensure that your budget reflects your GST registration status:

  • If you are registered for GST, don’t include GST in your estimates. If your application is successful, any grant payment you receive will add and include GST.
  • If you are not registered for GST, include GST in your estimates. If your application is successful, any grant payment you receive will not add or include GST.

Can I engage the services of a grant writer?

Yes. However, if applicants engage the services of a grant writer who is also providing a quote for the proposed works, they must ensure that they are meeting their organisation’s relevant Conflict of Interest and probity requirements, and that the grant writer is not involved in the procurement and/or decision-making process.

Submitting an application

Why are some questions on my form greyed out?

Some parts of the application form may not be relevant to your organisation or project. Depending on your answers to some questions, other parts of the online form may be greyed out – if that happens, you won’t need to answer those questions.

What can I provide to further support my application?

You may like to provide:

  • a report from a paediatric occupational therapist, physiotherapist, or equivalently qualified professional, recommending the proposed purchases
  • policies pertaining to teacher professional development and child engagement
  • a professional development plan for teaching staff
  • peer-reviewed research supporting the benefits of your proposed works.

Assessment of applications

If my application meets all of the criteria, will my project receive funding?

Not necessarily. Building Blocks is a highly competitive funding program and demand for eligible and highly rated projects is likely to exceed the total available funding.

The application form sets out the key questions that will be used to assess applications. All applications received will be assessed against the assessment criteria. Assessment criteria can be found in each grant stream’s Assessment Fact Sheet. The Department may also undertake further project cost assessment in instances where project costs are complex, or clarification is required.

The Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep reserves the right to provide strategic investment to projects. The Minister may also, on advice from the Department, provide funding to partners, in exceptional circumstances to support the provision of funded Three- and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten services across the state.

Do I need to include any information from the service provider in my infrastructure application?

Yes, you should develop your infrastructure application in consultation with the service provider. Applications need to include information about the licensed service capacity, enrolments and demonstrate collaboration and evidence of established partnerships. You must also include a letter of support as evidence that you have consulted with the service provider(s) affected by the project.

Do you take into consideration past performance of grant recipients?

Yes. We will review past performance and assess whether this is likely to have an impact on successful delivery of your project. This will include considering whether you have:

  • taken appropriate steps to deliver previous projects funded through the Building Blocks program (or previous Children’s Facilities Capital and Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities program) within appropriate timeframes
  • overdue projects funded by the Department and whether extensions have been requested and approved and/or
  • completed projects funded by the Department and whether you have submitted all documentation required to acquit the grant funding, including regular monthly reporting and acquittal within the contracted time frame
  • proposed an operator of the service with a record of delivering a quality kindergarten program, particularly in the same community or area as the project.

Poor performance against these factors may result in projects not being recommended for funding or funding withdrawal.

Grant application outcomes

When will we find out if our application is successful?

We will advise all applicants of the outcome of their application. If you would like to enquire about the timing of grant announcements, please contact

Will we be given feedback if our application is unsuccessful?

If you are unsuccessful in obtaining funding grant you may contact the Early Childhood grants team for feedback on your application and outcome or seek a review into the assessment of your application.

The VSBA Early Childhood Grants team can be contacted by email at

Will successful applicants need to complete any documentation to receive funding?

Yes. You’ll need to sign a Common Funding Agreement (CFA) which sets out the terms and conditions of Building Blocks grants. An CFA example can be made available on request to

Please note the Department will only vary the conditions of the standard funding agreement in exceptional circumstances. Using the standard CFA should minimise the need for legal advice; however, applicants must pay any legal costs they incur in relation to the funding agreement (these costs may be budgeted into the total project cost and funded through the grant).

When and how will grant funding be paid to successful applicants?

All grant streams, excluding modular kindergartens, require the applicant and the Department of Education to execute a Common Funding Agreement before funding can be released.

Modular kindergarten grants require a Letter of Intent (LOI) to be signed by the applicant after the grant is approved.

The payment schedule will be outlined in the Common Funding Agreement.

For Planning Grants, the funding will be paid in two instalments, subject to completion of the following milestones:

Project milestonePercentage of grant paid
Funding agreement executed70%
Grant acquittal approved by the VSBA30%

For Capacity Building (excluding modular kindergartens), Buildings and Playgrounds and Early Learning Facility Upgrade grants, the funding will be paid in instalments, subject to completion of the following milestones:

Project milestonePercentage of grant paid
Funding agreement executed10%
Construction commences40%
Construction is complete (practical completion)40%
Grant acquittal approved by the VSBA10%

For Minor Improvement grants the total funding will be paid to the applicant in two instalments.

Project milestonePercentage of grant paid
Funding agreement executed70%
Grant acquittal approved by the VSBA30%

For Information Technology and Equipment grants, the total funding will be paid to the applicant in one full payment.

Project milestonePercentage of grant paid
Funding agreement executed100%

Project delivery

What are the reporting requirements for my project?

Recipients of Planning grants are required to submit quarterly progress report and recipients of Capacity Building (excluding modular kindergartens), Buildings and Playgrounds, Early Learning Facility Upgrade grants and Minor Improvement grants are required to submit monthly project progress reports through an online reporting system.

Recipients are to required to provide an update on progress, forecast and actual dates for project milestones, raise risks and issues, and any required documentation when payment milestones have been met.

How long will I have to complete my project?

You should plan to complete your projects and acquit the grant within the following timeframes.

Planning grants streamExpected timeframe
Planning GrantPlanning process completed and grant acquitted within 12 months of executing the funding agreement.
Capacity building streamExpected timeframe
Integrated Children’s CentreProject completed and grant acquitted within 24 months of executing the funding agreement
New Early Learning FacilityProject completed and grant acquitted within 18 months of executing the funding agreement
Modular Kindergarten FacilityGiven that modular kindergarten facilities will be delivered in partnership between the applicant and the Department of Education, project completion timelines will be agreed on a case-by-case basis, but are expected to be on average within 14 months from project commencement
ExpansionProject completed and grant acquitted within 12 months of executing the funding agreement
Improvement streamExpected timeframe
Early Learning Facility UpgradeProject completed and grant acquitted within 12 months of executing the common funding agreement
Minor ImprovementProject completed and grant acquitted within 12 months of executing the common funding agreement
Information TechnologyPurchases completed and grant acquitted within 6 months of executing the common funding agreement
Inclusion streamExpected timeframe
Buildings and PlaygroundsProject completed and grant acquitted within 12 months of executing the common funding agreement
EquipmentPurchases completed and grant acquitted within 6 months of executing the common funding agreement

What happens if the project runs over budget?

Grant recipients must meet any additional costs if their project runs over budget. We do not hold additional funding to meet cost overruns for capital works projects.

When do I need to submit a variation request?

Building Blocks grant recipients must submit a variation form via the online reporting system if they:

  • require a project extension
  • propose a change in project scope
  • propose a change in project costs which results in either an overspend or underspend.

Applicants will be required to provide evidence regarding the reason for the delay, change in project scope or cost.

Where there is a delay, the applicant must demonstrate that the project will be completed within the additional time requested. Project extensions are not guaranteed to be approved.

The VSBA reserves the right to cancel the grant and recoup payments where there are unreasonable delays in the execution of grant agreements or completion of the proposed works, or where substantive changes to scope are made after funding has been approved.

Where there is a cost change, the applicant will be asked to allocate the remaining funding towards additional eligible items in line with the guidelines before an acquittal is accepted. Overspends remain the responsibility of the organisation.

What are the acquittal requirements for the grants?

All successful applicants need to ensure that acquittal requirements are met, and the relevant documentation is uploaded into the Department’s online reporting system to close out their project. The Common Funding Agreement will outline what relevant documentation is required. Modular grants are excluded from the Common Funding Agreement (CFA) process. As such a Letter of Intent (LOI) will be used for all parties post grant approval.

Failure to acquit projects in a reasonable timeframe, may jeopardise future applications to the Building Blocks, and may forgo the final milestone payment.

Operation of the facility

Will I need to change the service approval for my facility once my project is complete?

For new facilities and expansions that increase the number of approved places, you will need to obtain an amendment to service approval for the service before completing the project acquittal. Notifications and applications may be submitted via the National Quality Agenda IT system. Applications may take some time to consider and approve.

Further information is available from the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority or by contacting the Department of Education’s Quality Assessment and Regulation Division on 1300 307 415 or by emailing

Further assistance

Who can I contact for further information about the grant program?

Please email the Early Childhood Grants team at the VSBA:

What do I do if I am having technical difficulties with the online application form?

Please contact SmartyGrants Support Desk at or (03) 9320 6888

This service is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (Eastern Standard Time).

You can also find a help guide and FAQs at SmartyGrants.

Who do I contact about children’s service licensing and regulation?

Please contact the Department’s Quality Assessment and Regulation Division at or 1300 307 415.

Where can I find information about the three-year old kindergarten reform?

For further information regarding three-year-old kindergarten reform, please visit the Kinder: Best Start, Best Life website.

Further information regarding Early Learning Facilities requirements can be found:
