The Eliston Family & Community Centre - now open

[up-beat music begins and plays throughout the video]

We are shown an up-close of the centre’s blue welcome sign, which reads:
City of Casey, Welcome to: Eliston Family & Community Centre, Maternal & Child Health, Community Multi-purpose Room, Kindergarten.

We then see the main entrance to the building, featuring distinctive wooden beams. Young kinder-aged children are playing outside on the playground equipment. A close-up shows a kinder-aged child showing their craft creation to the camera.

Person 1 speaks to the interviewer in a close-up.

[on screen text]
Vicky Mudrinic, coordinator community facility operations, active communities

Vicky Mudrinic: It's very welcoming and that's the sense that we want to create here.

[voice over of person 2]
Vasanthi Sekar: The facilities at the Eliston kindergarten that we offer are the MCH.

The camera cuts to show the administration area of the building, we are then shown a waiting area with couches. An up-close of a sign indicating the room is shown.

Person 2 is now speaking to the interviewer on camera.

[on screen text]
Vasanthi Sekar
Kindergarten Teacher

Vasanthi: So we have many nurses over here and we have lactation services offered.

[voice over]
Vicky: There's three kindergarten program rooms and there's also two multipurpose community spaces that we have on offer for community or community groups or organisations to hire.

We are shown an educator and kinder-aged children sitting at a table doing craft. We then cut to the vision of the multi-purpose rooms.
The camera pans around a maternal child health nurse’s room.

[voice over]
Vicky: Maternal and child health consult rooms and kindergarten rooms are purpose-built for the delivery of that particular service.

There is a close-up of a kinder-aged child drawing. A close-up of another child is painting.

Person 2 is shown on camera speaking to the interviewer.

Vasanthi: So we have all these resources and communities always, you know, talk to us about how beautiful it is and the environment and the spacious place.

Vision of kinder-aged children are playing in the outdoor playground as the camera pans around.

[voice over]
Vasanthi: Majority of our children are, you know, the families they do go to the school over there.

The main entrance to the neighbouring primary school is shown.

Person 2 is speaking to the interviewer in a close-up

Vasanthi: So we also had the principal and the assistant principal visit us and you know, we all are doing the presentation and everything together, you know, so we can work in partnership.

The camera is panning across the kinder room as children dance and jump up and down in slow motion.

More close-ups of children doing craft and groups of kids playing board games are shown.

[voice over]
Vasanthi: The children love this beautiful space and I think as, even our staff members, we love the kindergarten space and the whole Eliston Family and Community Centre.

We see more footage of the exterior of the kindergarten.

Person 1 speaks to the interviewer in a close-up

Vicky: We want to welcome community and we want them to have a sense of connection and belonging to their local community facility that are providing crucial services.

We pan across the administration area. We are shown the main entrance of the building.

The video ends with the Victorian School Building Authority and Victorian Government logos and website URL (

[end transcript]
