Meet Leanne Winfield | Class of 2025

[A woman in a green dress (Leanne Winfield) is sat down on set holding a question card.]

Leanne Winfield: I might need to think about this for a minute...

[Upbeat music plays.]

[The video cuts to the same set without Leanne there. There is a stool, table, plant and books. We see 6 people walking onto the set, smiling, holding a banner that says ‘Class of 2025’.]

[Leanne walks back on set, sits on the stool and picks up a question card.]

[On-screen text: Leanne Winfield]

[Leanne reads from question card.]

Leanne: What is your name? My name is Leanne Winfield, and I am the new principal of the secondary school in Clyde North.

[Leanne reads from question card and holds an image of herself as a child.]

Leanne: Who is the person in the photo and what are they thinking? The person in the photo is me when I was at secondary school. I really enjoyed learning, I enjoyed being in the classroom and I enjoyed being at school. And that's the sort of feeling I want for my students when they come to my school. I want them to feel happy at school and to be achieving and to be challenged.

[Leanne reads from question card.]

Leanne: What should your students call you? My students should call me Miss Winfield.

[Leanne reads from question card.]

Leanne: What's the best way for a student to get onto your good side? The best way for a student to get on to my good side is to be doing their best. We want all students to grow, and we want them to excel in their learning. And excelling means doing the very best that each student can do, so that they achieve their full potential.

[Leanne reads from question card.]

Leanne: What led you to being a school principal? I was very involved as a leading teacher in working with teachers to develop teaching practice, and as I developed my own ability, I became interested in more of the whole school framework and influencing the way a whole school is developed and put into practice, and how we work to do the very best that we can, keeping up with all of the latest evidence-based practices and ensuring that we're lifelong learners as educators as well as our students being lifelong learners as well.

[Leanne reads from question card.]

Leanne: What are some of your greatest hopes for your new school? Working very successfully with students in their learning, that we're connected to parents and carers in partnership, and working towards ensuring that we're connected to our local community so that we provide all of the opportunities possible for our young people in their areas of interest and in their areas of talent.

[Leanne is handed an architectural render of the new school.]

Leanne: I'm very excited for state-of-the-art, innovative buildings and facilities. It's a very modern design which will provide a whole range of opportunities for students for their education, and also during lunchtime and break times as well.

[Leanne reads from question card.]

Leanne: What's your strongest memory from school? It was when we went on camps. I can really clearly remember a camp to Wilsons Prom, which was very challenging because we walked up to Sealers Cove and back. But it was really enjoyable because we worked and helped each other together, and it was a very memorable experience. As a principal, I really do value those other opportunities that schools provide. That's my intent in my principalship is to provide a broad program within the classroom. It's challenging, but also to provide extra curricular opportunities for students as well.

[Leanne reads from question card.]

Leanne: Is there a quote, message or motto that you live by? A motto that I live by in my work is that education is not a preparation for life, it is life itself. I do believe in being a lifelong learner. I believe we want to help students to become lifelong learners, because we should all continue throughout our lives to grow and develop as we do in school, always learning and always developing.

[The video cuts to Leanne holding a ‘CLASS OF 2025’ sign and smiling.]

[The video cuts to a polaroid image of Leanne with text.]

[On-screen text: “Education is not a preparation for life, it is life itself.” and CLASS OF 2025]

[The video cuts to 6 polaroid-style images of the 6 new 2025 principals appear on screen with quotes below each of the images.]

[On-screen text: “Whatever it takes” “Go slow to go fast” “Leadership is about helping others realise their potential” “Education is not a preparation for life, it is life itself” “Always try your best, you don’t have to be the best” “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel”]

[On-screen text: CLASS OF 2025]

[A white background appears with the VSBA and Victoria State Government logos.]

[A black background appears and white text appears.]

[On-screen text: Authorised by The Victorian School Building Authority, 33 St Andrews]

[End of transcript]
