Meet Bec Spink | Class of 2025

[Upbeat music plays.]

[A woman in a white shirt (Bec Spink) is sat down on set holding a question card.]

Bec Spink: Huh! Big question!

[The video cuts to the same set without Bec there. There is a stool, table, plant and books. We see 6 people walking onto the set, smiling, holding a banner that says ‘Class of 2025’.]

[On-screen text: Bec Spink]

[Bec walks back on set, sits on the stool and picks up a question card.]

Bec: What's your name? My name is Bec Spink, and I'm the principal of the new school opening in Wollert.

[Bec reads from question card and holds an image of herself as a child.]

Bec: Who is the person in this photo, and what are they thinking? This is me on my very first day of primary school. And what am I thinking? I don't think I could’ve even imagined the life that I would have had when I was in this photo. I'm not sure from my primary school experiences if any of my teachers would ever believe that I am a school principal today. In fact, I would love to be able to talk to some of them and hear their reactions.

[Bec reads from question card.]

Bec: What led you to being a school principal? I was a teacher for many years, and then I became a leading teacher and then an assistant principal, and I loved the role. I love the challenge. I love how work is different every day. I love working in a collaborative environment. I really just want to make the world a better place for our next generation and what better way to do that than working with tomorrow's leaders, which are today's students.

[Bec reads from question card.]

Bec: What should your students call you? Great question. My students will call me Bec. I'm a big believer in creating a really welcoming community school culture. So, I'm looking forward to students calling me Bec.

[Bec reads from question card.]

Bec: What's the best way for a student to get on your good side? I think the best way for a student to get on my good side would be to be a kind, caring, respectful student and that's the exact kind of citizens that I would like to create at Wollert.

[Bec reads from question card.]

Bec: What are some of your greatest hopes for your new school? I think some of my greatest hopes for the new school opening in Wollert is to create a culture that is built on inclusivity, innovation and excellence and really underpinned by some core values of respect, collaboration and curiosity.

[Bec reads from question card.]

Bec: Tell us about these architectural renders of your school.

[Bec holds large architectural renders of her new school.]

Bec: So as you can see, the spaces give a lot of opportunity for flexible and collaborative, learning experiences, as well as the opportunities for explicit teaching, which, for me and the philosophy of the school, is best placed to provide our students with a range of experiences for learning, which is really exciting.

[Bec reads from question card.]

Bec: What is your strongest memory from school? I loved music in primary school and in high school, and really loved all of the teachers I had for music who showed me a different world, really, compared to the world I knew at the time. So I'm very thankful for that.

[Bec reads from question card.]

Bec: Is there a quote or message or motto that you live by? Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. It's a really important quote, I think, because education is so much more than school. Yes, school is important. It is important for education. But it is one little stop on the way to a person's big life.

[The video cuts to a polaroid image of Bec with text.]

[On-screen text: “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel” and CLASS OF 2025]

[The video cuts to 6 polaroid-style images of the 6 new 2025 principals appear on screen with quotes below each of the images.]

[On-screen text: “Whatever it takes” “Go slow to go fast” “Leadership is about helping others realise their potential” “Education is not a preparation for life, it is life itself” “Always try your best, you don’t have to be the best” “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel”]

[On-screen text: CLASS OF 2025]

[A white background appears with the VSBA and Victoria State Government logos.]

[A black background appears and white text appears.]

[On-screen text: Authorised by The Victorian School Building Authority, 33 St Andrews]

[End of transcript]
