Footscray City Primary School upgrade – Design release

[The video opens with an aerial view of the Footscray area]

[Upbeat music plays throughout]

[On-screen text: Footscray Learning Precinct]

[On-screen text: Footscray City Primary School, design release]

[On-screen text: Jessie Hand, Principal]

[Jessie Hand is speaking to the camera]

Jessie Hand: With this project, we're really looking forward to having the opportunity for our year levels across year 1 to year 6, progressively, working as learning communities where they all have their own classroom and they have their own classroom teacher and classmates, but they also have the opportunity to learn and collaborate with students and teachers across their learning communities.

[We see 2 students outdoors looking at designs renders for the school displayed on large posters along a fence]

[We see illustrated design renders of the inside of a school]

[On-screen text: Year 3 student]

[A Year 3 student is talking to the camera]

Year 3 student: I'm looking forward to having really open classrooms so we can connect to different people when we move around. I feel like it'll be a good opportunity to learn in a different way.

[We see illustrated design renders of a flexible learning space]

Jessie: Teachers really thrive when they have the opportunity to collaborate with their colleagues in situ and build their practice and reflect on what's working and what's not and how we can continue to innovate and learn as educators when they're in that learning community model. And we also know that the children really thrive when they have the opportunity to collaborate with children from other classes who may have a similar learning goal or may have a similar interest that is informing a project that they're working on.

[We see illustrated design renders of the inside of a school and corridor]

[The 2 students outdoors look at the displayed designs again. We see the designs are fixed to construction fencing]

[On-screen text: Year 4 student]

[A Year 4 student is talking to the camera]

Year 4 student: Having new spaces will be a good opportunity for us. It's going to give us a new way of looking at things and I'm looking forward to being able to connect with other students from different classes.

[We see illustrated design renders of flexible learning spaces]

Year 3 student: I think it's going to be good. So if you want to learn, you’ll be able to choose which way you want to learn, depending on how you're feeling at different times.

[We see illustrated design renders of a school reception area]

Year 4 student: I'm looking forward to being able to sit, kneel or stand at a desk.

Year 3 student: Like, there'll be kneeling desks, like, if you're feeling tired you might want to just be on a normal sitting desk or you might be standing up. That's easier.

[A shot of the 2 students looking at the designs for the school. They point out different features.]

Jessie: What the learning community model enables is particular activities and particular times in the day, in the week or across the term where the children have the opportunity to work with peers across the cohort who may have similar learning goals and may be working on similar things, and they can share ideas and build their skills and knowledge. So we're looking forward to being able to do that in spaces that are designed for that approach to learning and teaching.

[We see illustrated design renders showing the inside of the school]

[A white background appears]

[On-screen text: Victorian School Building Authority, Victoria State Government,]

[Transcript ends.]
